Dallas Fluegel
I love music, but unfortunately contain no musical talent and thus my most impactful contribution to the musical world has to be through facilitation of artist discovery. I am especially suited for this because I have been collecting music my whole life and am willing to listen to bad music to find the gems.
My bias is that I love mellow, sad songs and so I fear that as we go along this journey I will fill your ears with melancholy tunes. I will do my best to combat this. Most of all I hope you enjoy this website enough to share it with your friends.
Shaina Hawkins
Shaina Hawkins was born and raised in Longview, Texas. A graduate of Stephen F. Austin State University, Shaina earned a Bachelor’s Degree in English and a Master’s Degree in Creative Writing. She is a published author and her recent works include: Love is Patient, Breaking Free, and One Righteous Person. She is currently working on a World War II Fiction Series called Gated Fences. She is also an English Professor, baker, entrepreneur and editor. Her friends and family mean the world to her and she continues to strive to practice and try new things.
Want to be a writer for The Unheard?
We are a team of volunteers, but if you love this project and would like to join us in search of discovering the best unknown artists we would love to have you join our team. To do this Feel free to email me at dallas@fluegelproductions.