Female Lead Music Religion

The Top 5 Unheard

1.Oslo by De Joie
De Joie really captures the joy of thriving where you belong. Listening to this song put a smile on my face and I hope it will do the same for you.
written by Dallas Fluegel
2.Disclosure by The Silent Critics
When I first heard The Silent Critics I was hooked. The music and lyrics were interesting, but the vocals were breathtaking.

written by Dallas Fluegel
3.If Only You Knew by An Atlas To Follow
An Atlas To Follow is a magical song that you will not regret listening to. Get yourself into your best music environment and enjoy the music.
written by Dallas Fluegel
4.Alaye by JKS Sundar, JKA Shalini
Our only foreign language song (so far) is made for U.S. radio. If you like the current EDM trend you’re going to want to hear this.
written by Dallas Fluegel
5.You Are Mighty by Melonie Caudle
This song truly captures how amazing and mighty God is. His unfailing love are things that we all need to be reminded of on a daily basis. I hope you get as much from this song as I do.
written by Shaina Hawkins

You can go directly to our Top 5 playlist on Spotify or YouTube.

California Music

This Is A Song of Increasing Intimacy

I Can Feel Your Heartbeat (featuring Jordan Frye) by A New Normal

A New Normal is a southern California band lead by Justin H. Wright. Justin describes A New Normal’s music as cinematic electronic, but the song ‘I Can Feel Your Heartbeat’ sounds more like a pop/rock anthem to me. Currently A New Normal is sitting at 2,170 monthly listeners making it a great candidate for our spotlight.

This song is split into two distinct parts. The first part gives you a low deep voice with the persistent bass drum and bass riff. The second part transforms you to a new scene; you’re at a party and everyone knows the words to the song. It’s actually kinda neat because it gives the song a sense of community.


Saw the fire in her eyes
I could hear her heartbeat
Felt the sunlight on my skin
As she laid beside me

Saw the heavens open up
As it rained down on me
Can’t remember what she said
But I could hear her heartbeat

I could hear her heartbeat (x4)

See the storm clouds up ahead
Say the words “I miss you”
I can’t remember what you said
But I could feel your heartbeat

Hear the heavens open up
As she laid beside me
See the fire in her eyes
I can feel your heartbeat

I can feel your heartbeat (x2)

In A New Normal’s bio on Spotify it says, “Every composition released by A New Normal is carefully crafted take the listener on a journey.” So what journey did we just take?


This is a song of growing intimacy. The first half represents the infatuation phase. The second half represents a promise.

In the first half of the song we hear the repeating phrase, ‘I can hear her heartbeat.’ How close do you have to be to someone to hear their heartbeat?

So Close GIFs | Tenor

Exactly! He’s letting us know that he is in close relationship with this woman. You can also tell that he is committed to her because rain (As it rained down on me) or shine (Felt the sunlight on my skin) he is still right by her side. He can hear her heartbeat.

Then we get to the second part of the song and something really unusual has happened. We have gone from a very intimate setting to a public gathering. Also we see our first glance to the future, “See the storm clouds up ahead.” He’s not scared though. In fact, now he can FEEL her heartbeat. He has gotten closer to her.

Cat Hug GIF - Cat Hug Love GIFs

Finally, he is no longer singing about her, but to her. “I can feel your heartbeat.” And he is declaring this in the company of a crowd who is singing with him. This is an image of a wedding. The groom is publicly declaring his love to his betrothed in front of witnesses whose presence sings of approval.

In Summary, it’s just another song about a guy and a girl who have fallen in love, and I love it. What do you think? Do you get a different interpretation?